Amazon, Education

娘が英語の本を1冊1週間で読み終えて / My daughter finished reading an English book in 5 days

妻が娘にクリスマスに買った本「Auggie and me – three wonder stories」(約300ページ)をメキシコ旅行の5日間で読み終えました。

My daughter finished reading a book my wife gave in Christmas titled “Auggie and me – three wonder stories” in 5 days during our trip to Mexico.

(父は英語で本を読むのはなかなか大変だなと尻込みするところがあり… 反省です)

With the north of half a year since she came to the US, I delightedly surprised she could read this much. (Dad is a bit reluctant to read English book… I need to improve)


Studying English words with iPad app seems to be contributing to her reading ability.


Kindle books are easy to carry and to look up words, however using iPad distracts her a lot with other apps and Internet, thus paper book is very helpful in terms of concentration, I thought.

この本の著者R. J. Palacioは編集・グラフィックデザインなどの仕事を20年以上して、小説家になり、「Wonder」で大ヒットを飛ばす訳ですが、個人的には今まで見たことが無いようなとてもシンプルで、短い ー要するに極めて読みやすいー 文章のスタイルで、うちの子どもでも読めるし、それがアメリカ人の若年層にも受けているというのが新鮮です。

The author of this book, R.J. Palacio, became a novelist after more than twenty years of editorial director, an art director, and a graphic designer and published a bestseller book “Wonder“. Her English is succinct, simple, i.e very easy to read so that even my daughter can read them and it is widely accepted by young people in the States. I thought this is an impressive phenomenon.

子どもの急激な進歩、そして20年のキャリアをピボットさせた著者 vs. なかなか人間として進化していかない40代の父親・IT一筋20年もアメリカでそれをピボットすることに苦闘している自分など重ねながら、今年一年の総括や来年の動き方などメキシコのホテルで色々頭を巡らせました。何か新しい本を読まなきゃ、かもしれませんね。

My daughter’s rapid progress, the author’s pivot of her career after 20 years of previous jobs vs. slow growth of dad in ’40s and my struggle in the pivot from 20 years IT related jobs… I had thought over those things, what I have done in 2019 and what I will do in 2020 in a hotel in Mexico. Maybe this is my time to read a new book.

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