Cat, NFT

Donated NFT sales to Ukraine – you can help too from TODAY!

The other day, I donated Ethereum/ETH to the Ukrainian government using their disclosed crypto account.

Donated Ethereum to Ukraine – how to do it

But I wanted to expand crypto donation to broader people in a more visible way.

So I created NFTs to support the country and listed them in OpenSea.

[Donation] Welcoming Cats Save Ukraine Stop the War and Putin!!

In the first couple of days, I sold some, then I sent the revenue to the Ukrainian government.

The listing term is one month, until April 2nd, and I will send all the proceeds in a batch, but I sent the first money as a trial.

Here’s how. (To save your time, the processes are shown backward from the completion of wiring)

Sent to the Ukrainian government account

For this donation project, the gas fee is incurred by me, not from the proceeds from the buyers

And since the government doesn’t accept MATIC/Polygon, I send ETH to them, although my NFTs are MATIC based

This is the notification via email from OpenSea

These NFTs are now owned by samurai-Ryohei.  Such a generous and benevolent person!!

Now being bought:

I truly appreciate samurai-Ryohei and his compassion to the country and its tragedy.

May the peace come back again to Ukraine soon.


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