次は、妻が「Yamibuy Fresh」を試してくれるとのこと。スーパーに買物に行かなくてよくなるし、私の研究の役にも立つし、一石二鳥です。しゃぶしゃぶにでもして、料理は私がしようかな。
次は、妻が「Yamibuy Fresh」を試してくれるとのこと。スーパーに買物に行かなくてよくなるし、私の研究の役にも立つし、一石二鳥です。しゃぶしゃぶにでもして、料理は私がしようかな。
‘We don’t have any free beds’: SJ hospital reaches full capacity as COVID-19 cases surge
こうなると、COVID患者も、通常疾患患者も受け付けられなくなり、救える命も救えなくなります。GO TOなんとかの議論をしていると思いますが、現実的にこうなる可能性があるというのは知っておいた方がいいです。
賞与が3分の1「泣きそう」 医療者、コロナで待遇悪化
Need a COVID-19 Nurse? That’ll Be $8,000 a Week
また、カリフォルニアでは私が住むSanta Clara郡含め、多くの郡で自宅待機令が出ました。
昨日2回泣いて、瞳がキレイになったと感じていたら、郷ひろみの2億4千万の瞳 -エキゾチック・ジャパンが聞きたくなりました。
ネタかもしれませんが、18時までには夕食を終えて、太らないようにし、その後腹が減ってきたら、裸で鏡の前に立って「お前は誰だ? 郷ひろみだろう?? お前は出来る! お前には出来る!!」と空腹に暗示をかけるそうです。
I have wanted to be a vegan. Seriously. I know it’s the right thing. But having to go to a lot of business dinners and having a young kid in my house are kind of preventing me from being it. I would like to enjoy normal dish with my family and give her good and nutritious food and preparing two different ones are unrealistic to ask my wife or cook by myself. But still, it is in my bucket list.
Another thing I concern about is doing diet takes time including monitoring my calorie intake and exercises. For example, I lost 10% of my body weight with very strict calorie monitoring, but it is not that fun to do and most of all, again, takes a lot of time.
I believe being vegan saves that kind of time and I can focus on more business and study, and I can save animal life.
If I should become a vegan, I miss two things: Japanese style BBQ “yakiniku” and ramen noodles. Yakiniku is relatively expensive and less frequent. Thus I could persist. But ramen is totally different thing for a Japanese. It is ingrained in our meal routine or even in our DNA!
So, I came to Ramen Begins “Hajime” again and resisted my formidable temptation to go for Syoyu/Soy Sauce ramen and ordered “Kiwami Vegan” ramen. It was not my first time to get vegetable ramen but was mine with vegan ramen. A bit concerned about some stale soup and toppings, to be honest.
First of all, I was having a very pleasant conversation with a mentor of business while I was having a couple of first bites, so I was totally forgetting it was vegan. It is not stale at all, very close to the usual ramen!
Second of all, as I realized I ordered vegan one, I was enjoying the delicate soup so much. I could feel soy milk, very mild, but not too milky to make you feel like drinking “salty milk”. It harbors the richness of usual ramen soup. How? One of secrets seemed spice in it. But this is easier said than done – when you eat plant-based meat, some says, like my daughter always complains, that it contains too much spice in it. This is to erase the smell of “beanmess” and they have to put them a lot. But again, this ramen house has a magic wand to find and accomplish the perfect balance.
Nevertheless, it is not just mildness balance, it gives you a tempo in your mouth with the nuts you can see in the picture and some kick too with minced garlic. I couldn’t stop smiling while savoring the soup.
Moving on to noodle. Amazing! As a home bread maker, I could tell they are using good quality flour. And these noodle used for vegan soup is totally different from ones for shoyu ramen! How they can make several types of in-house noodles, I don’t know. Probably they are coming from professional integrity and if so, I as a business person would like to give them great credit for that. Very smooth, appropriately thick. I really enjoyed chewing them for a while with the soup.
But chashu/BBQ meat on top it?? For a couple of seconds I had them in my mouth, I sought for the rationale but figured out they are made of plant too. It has a good feel and chewiness and no too much spiciness, and all in all, nothing but amazing.
If my daughter leaves my house to go to college, it would be seven years to go. I have to beg my wife first, but I might be a vegan and cook some veggie menu. I have to be a bit careful in cooking some not to make it salty with my tear without my daughter.
新しい学校のリーダーズ、88risingから世界デビュー(音楽ナタリー) – Yahoo!ニュース新しい学校のリーダーズが、88risingと契約したことが明らかになった。 ショーン・ミヤシロが2015年に設立した88risingは、アジア圏出身の …news.yahoo.co.jp |
And the news was introduced in other media as well.
I believe they will grow as big as Joji, Steve Aoki, Baby Metal, etc. as a Japanese singer group.
Their strength lies in dancing as you can see in Tiktok.
Now, what matters to young people is dancing in SNS. Look at this 16 years old girl who dances frequently on Tiktok and has 100 million followers:https://www.nydailynews.com/snyde/ny-tiktok-charli-d-amelo-100-million-20201123-qjr6qo4hercqvkainlzmai42gq-story.html
Charli D’Amelio is first to reach 100M TikTok followers – New York Daily NewsTalk about a TikTok triumph. Chari D’Amelio made history Sunday by becoming the first TikTok user to reach 100 million followers on the video-sharing social media app. “Thank you guys so, so …www.nydailynews.com |
The ages are totally gone when we listen to Deep Purple, B’z etc. with CDs and tried to read/interpret lyrics, but dance is the king in the music business now. They will be ABBA singing Dancing Queen in 2020’s. (Maybe, my metaphor is still not up to date..)
ジンファンデル ウィキペディア
もん毛 ウィキペディア
その意味においては、ジンファンデル も もん毛 も貴賤の差はなく、たっとい土着の言語だと言うことも出来ます。
In my 40s, it’s getting tougher to experience something “best in my life” stuff such as “This is the best non-fiction movie I’ve ever watched” or “OMG, this is the best deal I’ve done in this firm”, but now I can clearly say “This is the BEST soy sauce ramen I’ve ever had in my whole life”. And sure, this is the best ramen you can have in Bay Area, too.
I was fortunate to be invited to a pre-opening tasting of Ramen Begins “Hajime” in Sunnyvale. I somehow looked like a “most gourmet person” in Facebook friends to a gentleman who called upon me since I sometimes upload pictures of homebaked bread, dishes and so on. Lucky me!
Ramen Begins “Hajime”
Living in Los Altos, the restaurant was pretty accessible due to its location near 280 and Lawrence Expressway. If you are dwelling in Los Altos, Los Gatos, Mountain View, Cupertino, San Jose, this place is easy to visit, let alone from Sunnyvale where the shop is located.
Having finished several Zoom calls in the morning and skipped lunch, I was pretty hungry in the afternoon for sure, but couldn’t wait to try the bowl of shoyu/soy sauce-based ramen right after I smelled the fragrant shoyu and a bit of dried fish.
And finally! Here it comes.
At this point, you may want to slurp up the whole bowl of the shoyu soup, but you don’t know the whole picture yet.
As long as the noodles and soup are fine, I am satisfied for a ramen. That’s the bottom line. This time, the level of them were legendary. I reckoned they were best in my life. Getting stuck in home for long time, and I just got an invitation message out of blue, then I am experiencing “best in my life” stuff in a pre-opening restaurant. What a life.
However, it was not the end of the story.
The only concern for me (as a sogo shosha guy) is the pricing. This quality ramen, price starting from $8.95 is something never seen in this area. Sogo shosha guy is destined to make money (or get my butt kicked by a boss), but this shop is focusing on delivering the delight and first time experience to customers. I simply esteem this type of work ethic. Really.
I always tell my daughter that “as long as you repeat ‘first time in my life’ experiences, you can keep on learning and growing throughout your life which is the most important thing in it”.
This is true for even my 40s. I truly appreciate the experience this time and the great aftertaste of the bowl.
Ramen Begins “Hajime”
5229 Stevens Creek Blvd
Santa Clara, California 95051, US
(408) 899-6254
Those plate and platter are inherently beautiful enough to dazzle me, but when they are used with real everyday food, they are at peak of brightness and calmness at the same time.
As for what you can look and feel at the pottery, please refer to this blog post:
荒川陶器 ー シリコンバレーで最高のリラクゼーションと鈴木家史上最高の器をゲット
COVIDで飛行機は絶対乗りたくない、遠出して宿泊する気にもなかなかなれない、美味しくて高価じゃなくてアウトドアシーティングがあるレストランはそんなにない、そんな中、子どもは毎日のremote learningで/奥様は毎日の食事作り(とイライラする夫の相手で)/旦那様は一日に何件もこなさなきゃいけないZoom Fatigueで、「こうなんか外でスカッとしたい!」「心から家の外でリラックスしたい!!」と思っている人はBay Areaのみならず相当数いるんじゃないでしょうか。
うちは、妻と子どもは本当によくやってくれていて感謝しかないのですが、私自身はなんというか少し(最近良く記事になっている)Work-from-home burnout気味なところがありまして、、どうしたもんかなと頭を悩ましていたところでした。
そんな時に、20年来の友人がちょうどタイミング良く誘ってくれたのがSan Joseの荒川陶器/Arakawa Pottery です。
住所はSan Joseですが、Bay Areaから見るとイメージ的にはMilpitasの奥で、山の中にあるので、Mission Peakの隣、みたいな感じがします。(説明が下手ですね)
Bay Areaにお住まいの皆様にはぜひおすすめの場所、かつお気に入りの器がきっと見つかります。最高のリラクゼーション・癒やしとなりました。Thomasさん、Cathyさん、本当にありがとうございました。この御恩はいつかまた。
自分だけリラックスしちゃだめですねw いつも家のことで苦労かけている妻への謝恩の意味も込めてですが、荒川陶器の隣にはBig Dog Vinyard というワイナリーがあり、そこにも寄ってみました。こちらも大変オススメです。
で、critical thinking=批判的思考じゃないっていうことも和訳の問題。我々日本人、英英辞書もひけないのか? どう考えたってjudicialとかdecisiveの方の意味だろう。頭クラクラする。こういうところからcritical thinkingしなきゃいけないんでしょう?