
シリコンバレーで新言語の勉強中 / Learning new computer language in the Valley

Silicon Valley Jobs: The 2019 Trends Report によると、現在シリコンバレーの技術職で一番給料が高い職種はソフトウェアエンジニアで、その中でもマシンラーニングエンジニアのお給料が一番いいそうで。
According to Silicon Valley Jobs: The 2019 Trends Report, the highest paying tech job in Silicon Valley is software engineer and among them “machine learning engineer” is the top earner. 

Thus, the thought process might be too simple, but I started learning Python.

ただ、41歳の手習いで、Stanford Computer Scienceやインドから来たピカピカのエンジニアには到底かなわないので、「将来何かできればいいなぁ」(ちょっとしたアプリを作るとか)という思いと、VC仕事に知見として役に立てばいいなと思うのと、それと娘と一緒に勉強することで、娘のコンピューターリテラシーが上がって、この分野に興味を持ってもらえるといいなと考えた次第です。(今のところ、変数も出てきておらず単純なので、楽しんでやっています)
However, learning from scratch at the age of 41, I can’t be better than superb engineers in Stanford CS and ones coming from India etc., I just think that it will be good if I can develop some interesting apps or if I can use the related knowledge in my VC jobs. And I am learning it with my daughter hoping she gets an interest in software development and her computer literacy will improve over time. (She pretty much like it so far without having to learn variables which complicates learning of computer language)

先日Mountain ViewのComputer History Museumを訪問した際に、コンピューター言語の歴史を見て、大学生の時にごくごく簡単だったけど、perlを使って、中央大学商学部の授業を評価するホームページを作って学生運動的なことをしていたなと思い出しました。
We visited Computer History Museum the other day in Mountain View and saw the history of computer language. It reminded of me the web site I developed with simple Perl in order to evaluate classes of Business Administration Faculty at Chuo University.

写真はZeke Hausfather氏のTwitterより。

I feel it is getting very difficult to predict which computer language dominates the market in the future. Putting that topic aside, I cherish the notion that learning something new is so powerful thing in our lives and spend our time together every day.

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