上司のホームパーティーに呼ばれ、「美味しい酒と日本食が食べれる」と息巻きましたが、SunnyvaleからMountain ViewまでUberで20分と中途半端な距離です。ワークアウトを兼ねて「基本的に歩き(=2時間20分)、途中でLime バイクが見つかったらそれに乗って距離をかせぐ」という作戦としました。
Invited to a home party by my boss, pleased with “good drinks and Japanese food”, to go there it would take 20 minutes with Uber, which is not too long and not too short. I set a strategy that “basically walk there (which would take 2 hours and 20 minutes), but if I find Lime Bike on the way, I take it and ride to shorten the time”.
I met a CEO of Lime the other day in a conference and asked him the possibility of their business in Japan. He was positive in going to Japan. I hope someday I can ride their e-scooter and bike there.
With 30 minutes walk from my home, found them as I planned.
Lime E e-assist bike
How to use the bike. First, download Lime app and unlock the bike by scanning the QR code from the app. That’s it!
停めていいところについてが非常に分かりにくい。この部分がビジネスがスケールする肝ですが、事業拡大のためにわざと曖昧にしている気がする。「Bike rack」はなかなか無い中、「pavement between sidewalk and curb」は非常に分かりにくい。
“GPS Tracked” is a sort of warning for users for parking. The parking instruction is really hard to understand. This is a core of their business model. I guess they made it vague so that they can expand their business. “Bike rack” is rarely found in towns and “pavement between sidewalk and curb” is super hard to understand.
Although it is an “E-bike”, it is not that fast. Probably in order not speed up too much. The body of
I rode the bike for 30+ minutes and 3.4 miles. As I expected, I
6 bucks? A kind of expensive!
Superb UX when finishing the ride. As soon as you lock the bike as above, the bike communicate it via internet and notifies the app as below.
I always think this kind of great UX makes startups here great.
I tried to find a house for my family to live together on the way
Arrived at