IoT, Silicon Valley, Technology

2020年3月17日(火)からBay Areaが、20日(金)からCalifornia全土がそれぞれ自宅待機となりましたが、それから当然自宅からビデオ・電話会議が多くなりました。
From March 17th Tuesday 2020 in Bay Area, 20th Friday in California respectively, we have been forced to stay home and it led us to have many video/telephone conferences from home.

White-collar workers are doing remote calls similarly, kids are taking online courses or watching YouTube or playing games. Thus, Internet has been sluggish these days.

How Americans are spending their time in the temporary new normal

Under this dismal situation, if Wi-Fi is slow at home, I can’t literally do my work. I checked my Internet throughput with speed test app and found out it was just 7Mbps…

Then I decided to deploy mesh Wi-Fi in my home.
Lo and behold, even with the combination of USPS and Comcast in the US, they delivered AP in a day and half and saved my life.
Below is the preparation, hardware, software, how to install and result etc.

先ずTVの左側/家の端にあったCiscoのWi-Fi APを写真のようになるべく家の中心に寄せたが、書斎でのスループット改善に結びつかなかった
I relocated my Wi-Fi AP near the center of my house as much as possible but this did not improve the Internet throughput in my workroom
我が家のフロア図です。アメリカにしては結構小さい家です。それでもCiscoのケーブルモデム兼Wi-Fi APでは仕事部屋まで電波が届かないので、赤で書いたようにAPを追加しました。
This is my house. Pretty modest/small one. But the original Cisco cable modem/Wi-Fi AP can’t reach its signal to my workroom. Thus, I added three APs/Pods depicted in red in the picture
デカい箱だ!と思ったけど/I thought the box was gigantic, but
The box for the product itself was small enough. It was good to be small since I want to keep it for future sales, transfer etc.
Appleを思わせるような美しい梱包/Apple-like beautiful packaging
Other than APs which they call Pods, the only thing enclosed was this piece of paper. Simple and good.
Comcastのアプリから設定します/Setup has to be done from Comcast Xfinity app
デバイスを選択する/Select “Xfinity Device”
xFi Podsを選択/Select “xFi Pods”
First one was set in the entry space of my house which is the right center of it.
Please excuse me to have a wireless repeater of IoT monitoring camera and hoverboard
いよいよ書斎のコンセントに刺します/Finally, I plug the pod to an outlet in my workroom
ミュージカルキャッツと同じです。猫にもPodにもちゃんとした名前を付けなければいけない。/As told in musical Cats, you have to properly name cats and Pods

Set up took me approximately 10 to 15 minutes and the procedure was pretty easy.

Then, I conducted a speed test again.
Wow! I got 85Mbps and it was a 10x jump from previous sluggish 7Mbps!!
Now I can concentrate in video/phone calls. Plume saved my life!



I have kept my weight record using IoT weight measure of Withings. Now I am critically heavy…


The causes are not jogging enough, not cycling at all due to cold weather and eating too much when drinking. The last is especially guilty.


I have thought this situation is really bad, and having read my best friend’s blog post, I changed my attitude and behavior; run and reduce alcohol.

有言実行? 俵屋ブログ 四季彩々


Four years ago, when I was into marathon and triathlon, I was pretty cut and my body fat was around 12%. Hard work can achieve anything.
For now, my target is body fat = less than 20%, weight = less than 66kg.

IoT, Technology

Sometimes I would like to charge my iPhone while I’m away from home/office. At Starbucks, they enabled it with a smart way.

The charger is at the bottom right. The point is it is embedded in the desk so that it doesn’t hinder visitors to drink coffee with a mug, to eat something with a plate and to use PC or smartphone on the table. This charging equipment is embedded in almost half of the tables there.

This was made possible with a technology called “Qi” (pronounced as “chi”) and it is supported from 8 in the case of iPhone. I wondered long time if it would prevail in the market, but now it seems like it overcame the chasm. (Although I wouldn’t think it is very popular yet)

You got to be careful for two things. One is that you have to take off a magnet from your smart phone. See the caution below;


My second caution for this is that (because Americans are not as attentive as Japanese people) tables in Starbucks are not charged or plugged in. For the Starbucks shop I went the other day in Mountain View, almost half of the table was not chargeable and only the table plugged to the outlet was ready to use.

Below I put some screen capture of the “Powermat” app.

So far in the tutorial, we can know their one of revenue stream is location ad.

After installing the app, you can charge your smartphone from it as below.

Now you see the green pie chart−ish thing at the bottom of the app and know your phone is getting charged.Pretty convenient and in terms of UX it is smart.I hope it can be charged without the use of the app and just putting my iPhone on the circle area, however it will be difficult for shops in light of cost.

At last, what I want to know more is who is incurring related cost. For users, the app is free and so is charging. I don’t think location ad revenue is covering the cost of chargers and installation of the them into tables in cafe and restaurants. Are cafes and restaurants paying for the initial cost? Is there any recurring cost? As long as they pay for ad, initial installment is free? etc. I will check them out later.

e-bike, IoT, Mobility, Technology

上司のホームパーティーに呼ばれ、「美味しい酒と日本食が食べれる」と息巻きましたが、SunnyvaleからMountain ViewまでUberで20分と中途半端な距離です。ワークアウトを兼ねて「基本的に歩き(=2時間20分)、途中でLime バイクが見つかったらそれに乗って距離をかせぐ」という作戦としました。

Invited to a home party by my boss, pleased with “good drinks and Japanese food”, to go there it would take 20 minutes with Uber, which is not too long and not too short. I set a strategy that “basically walk there (which would take 2 hours and 20 minutes), but if I find Lime Bike on the way, I take it and ride to shorten the time”.

I met a CEO of Lime the other day in a conference and asked him the possibility of their business in Japan. He was positive in going to Japan. I hope someday I can ride their e-scooter and bike there.

With 30 minutes walk from my home, found them as I planned.
Lime E e-assist bike
How to use the bike. First, download Lime app and unlock the bike by scanning the QR code from the app. That’s it!
停めていいところについてが非常に分かりにくい。この部分がビジネスがスケールする肝ですが、事業拡大のためにわざと曖昧にしている気がする。「Bike rack」はなかなか無い中、「pavement between sidewalk and curb」は非常に分かりにくい。
“GPS Tracked” is a sort of warning for users for parking. The parking instruction is really hard to understand. This is a core of their business model. I guess they made it vague so that they can expand their business. “Bike rack” is rarely found in towns and “pavement between sidewalk and curb” is super hard to understand.

Although it is an “E-bike”, it is not that fast. Probably in order not speed up too much. The body of bike is heavy and first pedaling is heavy and slow. However, after the some pedaling it becomes comfortable. Assist in the uphill climbing is so-so.

で30分強、5.5km乗ってみた。やっぱり停めるところに迷い、Mountain View ダウンタウンに入り、バイクラックをわざわざ探しました。
I rode the bike for 30+ minutes and 3.4 miles. As I expected, I wandered where to park the bike and eventually went in the downtown of Mountain View to find a bike rack…
6 bucks? A kind of expensive!
Superb UX when finishing the ride. As soon as you lock the bike as above, the bike communicate it via internet and notifies the app as below.
I always think this kind of great UX makes startups here great.
I tried to find a house for my family to live together on the way
Arrived at destination after parking the bike and 45 minutes walk. His apartment has a swimming pool.Living in apartment can be an option for my family. I’m still wondering…
IoT, Technology

Xfinity Home, Nestなどがアメリカで導入されて久しく、それぞれ結構高いながらもそこそこの成功を収めています。産業IoT以外のConsumer IoTでは、Home IoTが本命、その中の大本命がボイスコントロールだとすると、その次はやはりHome Security/Controlということになるでしょう。

Xfinity Home, Nest and others has prevailed for a while even though their service and/or devices are a bit pricy.  Except for industrial IoT such as factory IoT, among consumer IoT, “home IoT” is the heart of IoT.  Provided that most used one of them is voice control such as Amazon Alexa, next  to it should be home security and control.



In Japan, home IoT doesn’t seem to be hot now.  One possible reason would be cost and phycological and technological hurdle to adopt it.


そんな中、アメリカで格段に安く、導入が簡単なホームセキュリティデバイス・ツールである Motion Sensor – Kangaroo なるものを購入して試してみましたので、体験レポートを下記します。

In the States, there is “Motion sensor – Kangaroo” which is very reasonable and easy to adopt.  Once I saw it in internet banner, bought it and installed it in my house.  Here is the report.



As a result, although telco and cable operators would think they want to monetize home IoT now, with this cheap and easy-to-install home security IoT which serves users well enough, I thought they had to reconsider their strategy and positioning for home IoT.


Kangaroo Home Security $30 (incl. shipment and app)(約¥3,300 – 送料込み、アプリ込み)

Security for all.
Our Motion Sensors are batteries-included,
peel-and-stick, app-controlled easy.


Shipped in a neat box.


Behind the box, value propositions are described briefly.


A user manual is included in the box.  Recently inclusion of detailed manual is rare to see.


Although the detail how-to-use app is not written, some of key instructions are explained in the manual.


On top of it, there is a sticker to notify buglers that this house is protected by device, which is nice to have.


The appearance of the device.


Before you peel the seal, we are supposed to install the app.  (Because the position to put this device is important for an user and the company.  Detail will be explained later)


When you pull of the insullation tab, the light flashes on.
(To save battery consumption, this light doesn’t get turned on after the setup)


Download of the app.


Here you’ve got to input your phone number.  For premium version, since you can get SMS and voice call notification you need the number, however for the freemium version you don’t need the number.  They are unnecessarily collecting personal information.


Naming your device.


Pull the insulation tab.

Finding the device with bluetooth between smartphone app and the device.


Found it!


その後に、通常このセンサーが使う(Wi-Fi APからの)Wi-Fiを選択します。
Bluetooth とWi-Fi の切り替えなどここらへんから原理的には少しむつかしくなります。
Next, select the Wi-Fi (from Wi-Fi AP) this sensor uses.  This is a little bit technically tricky to understand.  However they kept UI simple.


Once connected to Wi-Fi, the sensor can connect to internet.

This “How This Works” part is important in our real life usage.  The sensor can reach 15 feet, approximately 5 meters and look straight ahead and 60° to the left and right, in total 120°.
You can hardly go back to UI and it is not good for users in terms of UX.


This is how to avoid false alerms.  If you get too much of them, you come to think why you bought this gaget.  Thus the manufacturer is paying a lot of attention to avoid it.


Pets can be a cause of false alarms.  Again, if users think this IoT device is useless because of false alerts because Kangaroo is selling this device through Amazon etc., it would be a big problem for them since user review is critical in those EC sites.


Those settings are for having multiple sensors.  I just thinks “why bother to configure this for first device?” but in software perspective this is something you can’t do with.



I installed the sensor device so that I can catch someone intruding my food warehouse.


I could fit it to the side of bed nicely.  Because it is adhesive tape based, super easy to attach.  And since the device is so light, it won’t be fallen off for a long time.


I turned on the sensor and armed my food.  And when a person cross the area,


ただし、通知を見て「こりゃまずい!」と思ったら画面右上のCall 911(日本の110番)で警察への緊急通話が出来る。(なかなか微妙なところではありますが)
The app detects the movement and intrusion, notify the user within the app and smartphone notification function.  Although this sensor doesn’t have video recording functionality, if you think “OMG, here comes a robbery!”, you can call 911 for the emergency call.  (This probably won’t be allowed in Japan though)

After you tap “Call 911” button, you see the popup before you make a call.


You can register Kangaroo’s inquiry phone numbers in your contact list with just a simple action.


Then, how they can monetize from this business except for $30 device including shipment?   They have $5/mo. “Complete Plan” and with it you can have service shown above.

  • テキスト+ボイスコール通知
  • 24時間365日 センター監視
  • Alexaインターフェースの提供

24時間365日 センター監視というのは心強いですが、カメラが無い中、どうやって誤検知かどうか判断するのでしょうか? 今後デバイスは追加される予定らしいので、要注目です。
24/7 pro-monitoring sounds assuring, but without camera device, how can you confirm the alart is false or not?  They says they will release new devices soon, we have to watch them out.


And with the Complete Plan, they would contact authorities when they detect intrusion.  This is almost impossible in Japan lol


ボイスコントロールデバイスとのインテグレーションも有料。いくつかはcoming soonとなっています。
Integration with Amazon Alexa and other voice controll device and IFTTT are in the Complete Plan and some of them are “Coming soon”.


Finally, you can switch on/off the monitoring from the app very easily.



Security is very hard to define, especially how far we need to fave.  But having easy/cheap one as an option is always good thing.  With $30, this device/app is worth while trying.

