Invited to a home party by my boss, pleased with “good drinks and Japanese food”, to go there it would take 20 minutes with Uber, which is not too long and not too short. I set a strategy that “basically walk there (which would take 2 hours and 20 minutes), but if I find Lime Bike on the way, I take it and ride to shorten the time”.
先日LimeのCEOとカンファレンスで会い、日本での事業展開の可能性を聞いたところ、「ぜひともやりたい」とのことでしたので(どっちかというとeスクーターの方だと思いますが)日本で流行るといいなあとも思っています。 I met a CEO of Lime the other day in a conference and asked him the possibility of their business in Japan. He was positive in going to Japan. I hope someday I can ride their e-scooter and bike there.
Eバイクなわけですが、スピードを抑えるためか、そんなに速くはないです。車体もそこそこ重い。漕ぎ出しがちょっと遅い。ただ、ノッてくると快適です。上り坂のアシストはそこそこ、といったところ。 Although it is an “E-bike”, it is not that fast. Probably in order not speed up too much. The body of bike is heavy and first pedaling is heavy and slow. However, after the some pedaling it becomes comfortable. Assist in the uphill climbing is so-so.