Education, Silicon Valley

2回泣いた日 12/3/2020

①アメリカ時間12/3早朝に鬼滅の刃23巻早速読みました。柱達が次々と… 大粒の涙がこぼれました。リアルタイム販売してくれた電子書籍プラットフォームに感謝。鬼がいない平和な社会に住んでいることに感謝。



JSのコーディングも習っていたのね・・ 知らなかった・・・

Hi, my name is XXXX. 

I’ve been at Santa Rita since the April of 4th grade. I came from Tokyo, Japan.

Santa Rita is a special school because all of the teachers and students are so nice, and they have a lot of super fun events.

One favorite memory I have from Santa Rita is when I came to Santa Rita in 4th grade, and I couldn’t speak English but my classmates welcomed me. I didn’t know any rules of the game that they played, but my friends taught the rules to me and played with me. And that made my heart really warm.

Also, at Santa Rita there is a Computer Science class, which is very fun. I learned to code in Scratch in 4th grade through 5th grade, and I got to make games. And right now in 6th grade, I am learning to code in JavaScript. Computer Science’s teacher’s name is Ms. Cradock, and she’s very kind! I think your kids will love Computer Science very much!


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