Silicon Valley

シリコンバレーコロナ影響/Coronavirus effect in Silicon Valley

2020年3月13日 20:30現在、ベイエリアでは168名の感染者とのこと。
As of March 13, 2020 8:30 p.m., 168 people are reportedly infected by Coronavirus in Bay Area.

Many white-collar workers have been ordered to work from home (=WFH) or enabled to do so, people working in the office should be scarce and probably not be having a good atmosphere there.

サンフランシスコは今週から、私が住んでいるLos Altos地区はついに今日発表で来週から、それぞれ2〜4週間の休校で、子どもたちもふさぎがちです。
In San Francisco, schools got closed from this week, in Los Altos where I live at last they announced today it would be closed from next week, for two to four weeks. Kids have a cloudy look.

Below are some pictures to depict the status quo:

You can’t find toilet paper in supermarket (Sometimes depending on the time you go, you might find some though)
In the US too, when influenza etc gets rampant, it ran out of stock from shelves
You can’t find face masks nor hand sanitizers
There are almost no car in the morning in the parking lot in an office building
夕方の101は南行きも北行きもガラガラ/101 South and North in the evening is very scarce
It is not discussed as dangerous as in Japan, but a gym had absolutely nobody at noon

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