2020年3月13日 20:30現在、ベイエリアでは168名の感染者とのこと。
As of March 13, 2020 8:30 p.m., 168 people are reportedly infected by Coronavirus in Bay Area.
Many white-collar workers have been ordered to work from home (=WFH) or enabled to do so, people working in the office should be scarce and probably not be having a good atmosphere there.
サンフランシスコは今週から、私が住んでいるLos Altos地区はついに今日発表で来週から、それぞれ2〜4週間の休校で、子どもたちもふさぎがちです。
In San Francisco, schools got closed from this week, in Los Altos where I live at last they announced today it would be closed from next week, for two to four weeks. Kids have a cloudy look.
Below are some pictures to depict the status quo: