
Quibi 利用速報 / Quibi quick report

4/6にサービス開始と聞いていましたが、なぜか4/5から自分のiPhoneでは利用可能になっていました。謎でしたがありがたく 90日無料登録してみました。

I’ve heard the service would start from April 6th, but actually my app on iPhone was available from the 5th. I wondered why, but anyway I appreciated that I could see some content for free on Sunday while I’m sheltered-in-place. I registered myself in the service for free for 90 days.
I know a lot of Japanese media companies are interested in and kept an eye on the service. Here I report briefly what I felt by using it.

 総じて、個人的には時間に追われている中で「これ、絶対見たい!」っていうコンテンツはなかったですが、仕事柄調査しなきゃいけないこともあり、後で仕掛けが色々ありそうな(その手のものが好き)「Survive」とワンちゃんに癒やされそうな「All the Feels by The Dodo」を見てみました。

Overall, in my busy life, I couldn’t find content that I definitely wanted to watch at first sight. But my job is making investment in media companies anyway, I picked “Survive” in which I thought I could find some ‘traps’ afterward, and “All the Feels by The Dodo” in which I assumed I could get some soothing effects.

Thank you letting me know and automatically download the app to my iPhone.
(Email received on April 5th)
The initial page of the app
The user at least have to specify your age
“Today for you” has 25 content at the preset.
And according to a web article, that’s all they have now.
There are ads from Taco Bell partnering TikTok.
There are ads from Taco Bell partnering TikTok.
All the Feels

事前に話題になっていた縦横を切り替えられる機能、”Turnstyle Video”については、①やっぱり横の方が見れる範囲が多くて普通にいいんじゃないの…という冷めた見方と ②とはいえ縦の方が持ちやすくはあるよねという実務的な考え方と 頭の中を巡りましたが、やっぱり観る時は横にしちゃいますね。

“Turnstyle Video” has been buzzed in the industry after CES and I checked the functionality. 1. The horizontal view has naturally more range to see – wasn’t it obvious? 2. But maybe I can more easily hold smartphone vertically? I was thinking those two aspects while I turned smartphone up and side but eventually I found myself the horizontal view is more comfortable since I get used to it.

初回、ワンちゃんが出てきた All the Feelsについては、一話完結であり、中毒性を感じなかった。YouTubeで何か見たら、次に関連する別の動画にすぐ写ってしまうことに慣れているんだから、一話完結モノはそんなもんでしょう。

I saw a cute puppy in All the Feels and I liked the dog, but since it completed its story in it, I didn’t feel it was addictive or binge-watchable. We are getting used to see that kind of content in YouTube and move on to next relative ones.


On the other hand, the first episode of Survive was ended before it got intriguing, but it might be in next several coming episodes. They left some “touch” of being able to be addictive.
I guess that is the reason they made the free term relatively lengthy 90 days.
Having said that, the sign that if they can recoup $2B they will raise ($1.75B has been done already) or not will be observed after the first 90+ days to see how the churn will come out since usually this kind of OTT service has very high churn rate.

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